产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 典型应用 Typical Application | 手册下载 Data Download |
320 | 能与多种树,脂相容,制品机械性能高 Compatible with multiple resin systems, excellent mechanical properties of composite products | 用于单向及多轴向织物,适合预浸及真空灌注 工艺生产大型风力发电叶片 UD or multiaxial fabrics used in large wind blades by vacuum infusion and prepreg processes |
380 | 与环氧树脂相容性好,浸透速度快, 制品的机械拉伸强度高,疲劳性能好 Compatible with epoxy resin, fast wet out, excellent mechanical properties of composite products, with high tensile strengh and good fatigue resistance | 用于单向及多轴向织物,适合真空灌注工艺生 产大型风力发电叶片 UD or multiaxial fabrics used in large wind blades by vacuum infusion process |
386T | 低毛羽,织造性能优异,制品机械性能高 Low fuzz, excellent weaving property, excellent mechanical properties of composite products | 用于单向织物,适合真空灌注工艺生产大型风力,发电叶片 UD fabrics used in large polyester wind blades by vacuum infusion process |
386H | 毛羽少,与树脂相容性好,制品机械性能高 Low fuzz, good compatibility with resin, and high mechanical properties | 用于无捻粗纱布织造,制造管道、游艇等 Woven roving, used in pipes and boats |
390 | 与环氧树脂相容性好,浸透速度快, 制品的机械性能高,耐老化性能突出 Fast wet-out, excellent mechanical properties | 用于单向及多轴向织物,适合真空灌注工艺生 产大型风力发电叶片 UD or multiaxial fabrics used in large wind blades by vacuum infusion process |
396 | 编织时工艺顺畅性好,制品机械性能高 Excellent weaving property, excellent mechanical properties of composite products | 用于多轴向织物,适合预浸工艺生产大型风力发电叶片 Multiaxial fabrics used in large wind blades by prepreg process |
398 | 与环氧树脂相容性好,织造性能十分优异, 制品的综合力学性能好 Compatible with epoxy resin, excellent weaving property, excellent mechanical properties of composite products | 用于单向及多轴向织物,适合真空灌注工艺生 产大型风力发电叶片 UD or multiaxial fabrics used in large wind blades by vacuum infusion process |
Roving for Geotextiles
产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 典型应用 Typical Application | 手册下载 Data Download |
306A | 纱线强度高,低毛羽 High strand strength, low fuzz | 土工布 Geotextiles |
Roving for Light Weight fabrics
产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 典型应用 Typical Application | 手册下载 Data Download |
302 | 纱线质软,毛羽少,退解张力小,与树脂相容性好,机械性能高 Direct roving, soft yarn, low fuzz, compatible with resins , excellent mechanical properties of composite products | 模塑格栅 Molded grile |
Roving for Light Weight fabrics
产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 典型应用 Typical Application | 手册下载 Data Download |
312 | 织造性能优异,制品机械性能高 Excellent weaving property, excellent mechanical properties of composite products | 用于立体毡等低克重特种织物 Light weight fabrics and multiaxial fabrics |
产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 典型应用 Typical Application | 手册下载 Data Download |
512 | 通用型制毡用纱,良好的短切分散和抗静电性能,树脂浸透速度快 General purpose roving, good dispersion after chopping, good static control and fast wet-out in resins | 常规短切毡 General chopped strand mats |
520 | 低静电,分散性好,浸透速度快 Low static, fast wet-out and good dispersion | 缝编织物 Stitched fabric |